Tell It Like You Want It To Be…

Hey guys,

The 3rd Shaman Principle is…

‘Energy Flows Where Attention Goes…’

So, what we are focusing on, we are giving energy to…

Feeding it…

Fueling it…

Bringing more of it into being…

Manifesting more of it….

Getting to experience more of it…

Because that is how it is…

It’s not, it’s just the story we are telling ourselves and because of that we get what we expect…

 That’s OUR reality….

So, how much are we focusing on what we DON’T want?….

 On what’s not working?…

On what’s wrong?…

On what we don’t have?….

On where we’re not?…

And, how is that working for us?…

Abraham ( share this with us…

‘We practice the Art of Allowing.

 Which means reaching for the thought that feels best, not the thought that is the real thought, not the thought that is telling it like it is.

 Telling it like it is only holds you where it is:

 “Damn it, I’m going to tell it like it is.

I’m going to tell it like it is, because everybody wants me to tell it like it is.”

 Tell it like it is if you like it like it is.

 But if you don’t like it like it is, then don’t tell it like it is—tell it like you want it to be.

 If you tell it like you want it to be long enough, you will begin to feel it like you want it to be.

 And when you feel it like you want it to be, it be’s like you want it to be.’

 Our Love,
(and Abraham and Jerry)

So, what would happen if you tell it like you WANT it to be?…

What would change for you?…

It’s good to feel good for no good reason….

 And, who are you hurting?…

Play and see where it takes you 🙂

Many blessings, always

Yvonne x