Weigh Less, Live More Sessions
The techniques we use in these fabulous 2+ hour sessions work with you on the deepest levels and are extremely powerful! These sessions are designed to help you to make the lasting changes that you want in your life, and those changes can be absolutely amazing, but their effectiveness and longevity depends on how ready you are to let the old ways go!
Are you over ‘trying’ to lose weight?
Are you over feeling disheartened whenever you look in the mirror? What would you prefer to see instead?
How would you like to be able to turn that negative feeling around to a feeling of being really proud of yourself instead?
What would you prefer to hear when your inner voice starts up instead of the usual put downs?
Would you like to hear words of appreciation and congratulations instead?
Have you had enough of being overweight, unfit, unhealthy and unmotivated?
Are you over being out of control to food?
Are you over feeling disappointed in yourself?
Are you ready, really ready, to do whatever it takes to make the changes you want?
Well then, maybe it’s time to talk to us…
Time to stop ‘trying’ and really let it go!
The techniques we use in these fabulous 2+ hour sessions work with you on the deepest levels and are extremely powerful! These sessions are designed to help you to make the lasting changes that you want in your life, and those changes can be absolutely amazing, but their effectiveness depends on how ready you are to let the old ways go!
So, are you ready, really ready to let them go?
So, are you ready, really ready to make this investment in you? Because you definitely are worth it, but have you worked that out yet?!
And ask yourself… How many times have you tried to ‘Lose’ weight in the past and did all the work, ate all the right things, exercised and exercised and everything else you were supposed to do and then stopped, for whatever reason, and ended up just putting it all back on again?
This happens a lot, because we may be physically doing all the right things, but we haven’t worked on the reasons why we put on weight in the first place.
Generally we put on weight because we are trying to protect ourselves in some way, sometimes from outside sources like other people or situations, but a lot of the time it is because of what we are saying to ourselves.
We can read all the books and hear all of the experts’ opinions about why a lot of people are holding onto their weight, and what category they fit in and how best to get rid of it etc. But only we know the true reasons why we put the weight on in the first place and this information is stored in our Unconscious Mind and by working with it we can make the changes we need to. And it’s true, the experts can give us ideas why we are holding onto our weight, and which category we are in, and how we can best do it etc, etc but any work we do isn’t going to be extremely effective unless we understand what patterns and programs we are running on the inside.
How would you like to learn why you are keeping your weight on?
How would you like to actually have a chance to get rid of your extra weight without having to put it all back on again within a couple of months?
How would you like to feel totally motivated to eat healthily and not constantly battle with all the things you ‘shouldn’t’ be eating?
How would you like to feel motivated to do more exercise, not because you have to, but because you actually want to and you look forward to it? How empowering would that be for you?
Are you ready to get rid of your extra weight and the negative thoughts and feelings that have been creating the problems?
For change to occur and for that change to be lasting we need to do it on the unconscious level. The techniques we use can help you make all of these fabulous changes, but are you ready, are you really ready?
If you are then maybe it’s time to contact us and take the fist step to making the positive changes you want for you in your life and take your own power back!!!
Yvonne George is a Trainer of NLP, Master Coach of NLP, Master Practitioner of Time Line Therapy™ and a Trainer of Hypnosis. She has been personally trained and certified by Drs Tad and Adriana James of the Tad James Company, one of the leading NLP Training companies in the world.
Yvonne is now able to offer a wide range of services, courses and workshops designed specifically to help you to really TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE and make the lasting changes that you want!!!
To find out more or to book your session now, please contact us…