Worry Less Workshop


The next Worry Less Workshop will be running on  

Is worry taking away your peace of mind?

Is it causing you major stress?

Is it effecting your sleep at night?

Is it making you sick?

Is it making your feel out of control?

Are You ready to step out of worry and into know that All Is Well?!!!

This 3 hour Worry Less Workshop has been designed to help you to understand why worry actually isn’t a loving emotion, and how you can be so much more effective without it!

You will also learn simple and easy techniques to…

  • Energetically protect yourself and your loved ones
  • Step out of worry
  • Feel more in control of your life
  • Start working on Your future

And so much more!

For more information, please feel free to contact us.

Will be fabulous to have you join us 🙂



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