Practical Steps To Get Unstuck…

Hey guys,

When we feel stuck we tend to spend a lot of time thinking about the problem, worrying about the problem, stressing about the problem and living, breathing and sleeping that problem…

The thing that we are NOT doing while we are doing this though, is finding a SOLUTION to that problem…

Albert Einstein once said…

‘You can’t solve a problem with the same thinking that created it!’

So, what we need to do when we feel stuck, is to step away from the problem by DISTRACTING ourselves!

They say that…

‘Emotions are ENERGY IN MOTION!’

So, one thing we can do is to get up and MOVE!

Walk around, go to the gym, go for a run, or a swim, go dancing, go shopping, get out and about, distract, distract, distract…

Distracting ourselves also stops us from giving energy to the problem, stops us from feeding the problem, making it worse…

So, step out of the area where we’ve been stuck and doing something completely different…

Grab a cuppa and go and sit outside, let Mother Nature rebalance us…

We’re not being frivolous by doing this, we are being SMART on lots of different levels…

 When we distract ourselves, we ALLOW the answers to come to us…

 When we feel stuck, we feel bad, and we stay blocked!

 When we distract ourselves with things we enjoy, we feel good!

Feeling good puts petrol in our tank!

 It fuels us and allows us to get the answers that we need!

Another thing that we can do to help us to step out of the problem, is to focus on the SOLUTION!

When we allow ourselves to step into where we want to be, and look at the situation from that vantage, that place of already being there…

Not where what isn’t, but what is and can be, the stress and worry is released and we can find the answers of how to get there.

This is where that saying…

‘Where there is a Will, there is a Way!’

Comes into play…

We always have a choice of doing it the easy way or the hard way, why not see which way works best for YOU!…

YOU can do it!

Play and see where it takes YOU 🙂

Many Blessings, always

Yvonne x