Make Life Interesting…

Hey guys, lot of the time in life we just go through the motions, just to get through each day…

A lot of people are living each day in the same way, same old, same old…

Waiting for this to happen….

Waiting for that to happen….

Waiting for something to happen….




The problem is the longer we wait, the more time we’re wasting.

If we keep waiting for life to become interesting, mostly we’ll just keep waiting…

So, the simple wisdom for this week is to not wait for things to happen, but rather to DO things to make them happen!

What can you do to make your life more interesting?

What changes can you make to enjoy your everyday life more and more?

What can you organise for yourself, so that you can enjoy looking forward to it?

This weekend I’m going to be in Newcastle for the Health Harmony Soul Expo – Friday 2/8 to Sunday 4/8 at Stall #10, where I’ll be doing what I love, fabulous Blockage Busting Readings and Healing Sessions, plus a Free Manifesting Workshop every day!

Another 3 days doing, what I love!

What can you do for You, ‘cos it’s all up to you!

This is your life, which would you prefer…

Doing or Waiting?

Always your choice….

Play and see where it takes you 🙂

Many blessings, always

Yvonne x