I No Longer Choose To…


Hey guys,

In life we tend to let our circumstances, our past, the people around us, our environment dictate how we should think and feel, and we are running around in automatic mode letting it.

A lot of the time we forget we actually have a CHOICE in the matter!

We forget that we have a choice about…

How we want to feel…

How we want to think…

How long we want to hold onto it…

When we want to let go of it…

What we want to think, or do, instead…

We forget these things and stay stuck in the problem!

But, what if we choose instead to say…

I No Longer Choose To…

Give my power to this…

Stay stuck…

Be a victim to this…

Be angry…

Feel guilty…

Be afraid…

Be a failure…

Feel not good enough…

Live in lack…

Be unhappy…



Get caught up in everyone else’s stuff…

Or whatever it is we have been giving our power to…

What if we allowed ourselves to see where we have been stuck, then own it, and then chose not to do it anymore?

Who would have the power then?…

We always have a choice, but we don’t need to give it to anyone, or anything else…

Play and see where it takes you 🙂

Many blessings, always


Yvonne x