Expanding Possibilities…

http://www.dreamstime.com/-image25444780Hey guys,

I tend to quote The Shaman Principles a lot and these principles are beautiful Hawaiian Life Principles, and Universal Laws within themselves, that help us to work with the Law Of Attraction and Life.

This week I want to look at the 2nd Shaman Principle…

‘KALA – There Are No Limits!’

And the reality is, there are no limits in life, except for the limits we place…

On ourselves…

On our experiences…

On who we can be…

On where we can go…

The only limits we have in life are the ones we create!

Albert Einstein once said…

‘We Are Boxed In By The Boundary Conditions Of Our Thinking!’

Those ‘Boundary Conditions’ are our learned and hereditary patterns and programs that limit us….

That hold us back from where we want to be….

That are unconsciously blocking us…

That are keeping us stuck…

But, what if we allowed ourselves to expand our possibilities?

What if we allowed ourselves to focus on the bigger, not big, but BIGGER picture?

The BIGGEST, most successful picture we can possibly imagine?

What if we allowed ourselves to be comfortable with the idea of that bigger picture?

Trying to get to the next can be a real struggle, just to get there.

But being comfortable with the idea of the biggest picture, that next step seems insignificant and easy, because we’re already feeling good with the idea of being successful!

Being comfortable in that bigger pictures helps us break out of our old, limiting beliefs, patterns and programs that think…

We can’t get there…

We won’t get there…

We don’t deserve it…

We’re not allowed…

We’ll never do it…

And so much more!

And, in their place will be a new belief, a new knowing that YOU CAN!

Plus when you open yourself up to possibilities, you tend to feel fabulous every step of the way!

So, how do you want to start expanding your possibilities?

Play and see where it takes you 🙂

Many blessings for this day, this week, this year and always…


Yvonne x