Being Overwhelmed….

Hey guys, all know what it feels like to be overwhelmed…

We’ve got so much to do…

We’ve got to do this…

We’ve got to that and that and that and that….

We haven’t got enough time…

Time’s running out…

There’s so much to do and not enough time…

Gotta do this…

Gotta do that….

We’ve all done this to ourselves and got stuck in being overwhelmed.

When we’re stuck there we have so much to do that we don’t end up doing anything…

When we’re stuck nothing gets done and more things pile up on us, and then they get added to the list…

It’s like we’re on a treadmill and not getting anywhere and that light at the end of the tunnel feels so far away…

When we’re stuck the hole just gets deeper and deeper and our motivation drops down to zilch.

Not a nice place to be, the energy within us and around us is thick and heavy.

Physically we become more sluggish, more negative, more stuck.

Thankfully there are lots of different things we can do to get out of being overwhelmed, following are just some examples.

We just need to remember to do them for ourselves…

1) Write a ‘To Do List’ but include little things to tick off as well as the big things.

For example….  Clean my shoes, walk the dog, finish that assignment, put the dishes in the sink, read emails, reply to emails, put together that presentation, make bed, paint the walls, do the washing etc.  That way when you tick things off your list as you’ve done them you start feeling a sense of accomplishment, because you actually have been achieving things, that helps you to feel better about yourself and that helps with motivation.

2)  Go outside and take 5 to 10 minutes breathing and quieting the mind and think about one of the bigger things you need to do. 

Then in your imagination start thinking of the 1st step you need to take to get this started, and when you’ve worked that it see yourself doing it and then repeat with the next and the next.  Breathe out any ‘I can’t, because…’ thoughts and feelings that come up and see yourself getting it done.  The feel good feelings will start kicking in and you’ll find you can’t wait to start!

3)  Pick one of the things you have to do, and just do it! 

Don’t wait to be motivated, just pick it up and start, even if it feels like the last thing you want to do, just do it!  Sometimes the hardest thing is to get over all the thinking and just by starting, and taking that 1st step, we find that everything just falls into place!

4)  Use Calm and Clear Essence from the Australian Bush Flower Essences. 

Comes in a cream, drops and a spray and is fabulous for helping us to get out of arghhhhhh mode into ahhhhhh mode!  Helps us to slow down our overwhelming thinking, prioritise, focus and pay attention to detail while feeling fabulously Calm and Clear J

5)  Work with grounding and healing Crystals like Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Red Jasper, Citrine, Labradorite and Carnelian.

Have them in your work space, by your bed, or carry them around with you, but make sure you cleanse them daily.

6)  Have a Healing Session to help put everything back into balance, and Reiki Sessions are especially fabulous for this!

Sometimes we can’t do it all on our own and we need help and Healing Sessions are a great gift to give ourselves.

7)  Call on your Angels and Guides to help you.

Ask them to help you to release the fears and worries that are creating the problems and breathe them out and let them go.  Then ask for help to get what you need to get done done.  Breathe in their loving energy and breathe out any negatives and then pick something you need to do and go for it!

These are just some of the things we can do to step out of being overwhelmed, if you need help though, please feel free to book in for one of my Readings or Healing Sessions and we can help you to get back on track in no time 🙂

We’re never alone and we are being loved and supported in each and every moment. 

Remembering that can be the hard part, but when we remember that there are so many different ways we can help ourselves get unstuck from any situation that’s where we find our strength.

Play and see where it takes you 🙂

Many blessings, always

Yvonne x

 If you need any help with this, this is what I do in my Readings and Healing Sessions. 

So please feel free to contact me if you need some help to make those changes 🙂