Being Your Own Person…

Hey guys,

We tend to let the opinions of others decide who we are allowed to be, and what we are allowed to do.

We try to ‘fit in’, to conform with other people’s version of who they think we should be, to be accepted.

We even worry about what random strangers may think about us…

This trying to ‘fit in’ is what stops us from being our own selves, from being our own person, and from doing what it is we REALLY want…

There are so many ways we try to ‘fit in’, and the majority of the time it is totally unconscious, but it is why we play small and don’t allow ourselves to succeed.

I have some wisdom from Facebook this week, yes Facebook, and I do use it for Good! Feel free to send me a friend request as Yvonne George or like my Horse & Wolf School Of Healing page and follow me there.

These a just a couple of the posts I got this week for when we are looking for approval from everyone else…

‘When you depend on other people to build you up, you’re also giving them the power to break you down. You don’t need validation from anyone to know your worth… It’s your life, live it, love it, own it!!!’

This one had Jack Nicholson delivering the message…

‘It’s okay if people don’t like you. Most people don’t even like themselves…’


‘Let them be wrong about you, there’s nothing to prove!’

And some wisdom from Abraham ( that reminds us that’s it’s okay to have our own beliefs…

‘Because others cannot vibrate in your experience, they cannot affect the outcome of your experience.

They can hold their opinions, but unless their opinion affects your opinion, their opinion matters not at all.

A million people could be pushing against you, and it would not negatively affect you unless you push back.  

They are affecting what happens in their experience.

They are affecting their point of attraction—but it does not affect you unless you push against them.’

Our Love,
(and Abraham and Jerry)

We will be doing more work on this in the coming weeks, because it really is time to make it all about YOU!

Your Affirmation for this week – ‘It’s Safe For Me To Be Me!’

Play and see where it takes YOU 🙂

Many Blessings, always

Yvonne x